Exercises to Do Before You Begin that Meeting


How to Put Yourself in the Right Posture


Exercise makes you feel better. It can boost your endorphins and put you in the right mindset.

You’ve done everything to prepare for the meeting, but this…

  • Oxygenate your brain

  • Increase your blood flow

  • Boost your energy

  • Stand/sit taller

  • Get the kinks out

  • Feel more confident

Don’t sweat it! You can do these in a suit and tie. It will give you a physical and emotional edge and make the meeting a bit more on cue. And, even if you’re at home wearing pajama bottoms with a business shirt for the webcam, you’ll come off better on camera.


Give yourself 10 minutes and try these power moves to prepare you for that meeting:

Let’s go…



Breathe. Slowly lift your shoulders to your ears. Roll them forward in a circular motion 3 times. Then, roll them back 3 times.

You will release tension in the upper back from sitting at the computer.



Breathe deeply and slowly. Sit on the edge of your seat and reach up with your arms keeping your back straight. Clasp your hands together and reach up a little further. Repeat.

This will help prevent back pain, increase energy, and prepare your body for exercise.



Hold your chair with your arms behind your back, slowly raise and lower yourself five times.

This will increase the upper body range of motion. This move has been proven to build strength in your triceps, shoulders, and arms.  



Stand in a wide posture, with both legs apart and arms apart shoulder height with your palms forward and toes pointed at a 45-degree angle to the side. Touch your right hand to your left toe, then stand back up. Now, drop into a squat bending at the hips and knees with a straight back. Then, stand back up. Touch your left hand to your right toe, then stand back up. Do another Sumo Squat. Repeat the series 3 times.

This move opens and energizes the entire body. It strengthens and lengthens in all directions and aligns your spine properly. The squat is for lower body strengthening, it incorporates inner thigh, glutes, quads, hamstrings, hip flexors, and calves and core!



Pump your arms toward the ceiling for 30 seconds. Rest. Take a few jabs at the air in front of you for 30 seconds.

This engages your shoulder, chest, abs, back, glutes, calves, and quads. It’s a great power move if you “wanna go the distance”.


Now breathe in deeply and head into the room or turn on the camera. Ready, set, ACTION!


Don’t forget to share these moves with the other people that occupy your space (so they won’t think you’re nuts). We want you to feel great and get the job done right!


For more exercises you can do at the office, contact Kris Hartland and ask about our Wellness Program.

About the Author

Bernie DeLaRosa, CFP®, ChFC®, CRPC®, CLU®, APMA®, CASL®, BFA™
Managing Business Consultant

  • Mergers/Acquisitions/Practice Sales
  • Legal Agreement Definition
  • Advisor Leadership Skills
  • Initial Practice Assessment