Contact Management in a No-Contact World


Using Our Systems in New Ways That Can Keep You Connected


Personal and professional etiquette dictates that we make eye contact and give people a firm handshake when we greet them. While this is impossible (and unhealthy) to do right now, we want to be sure we are connecting in the right manner and sending the right message.

Even though I may not be the most tech-savvy guy in the world, I am encouraging everyone to use Skype or WebEx and turn on the camera and the screen share features versus a phone call whenever possible. It’s more personal; it lets you make eye-to-eye contact, gives people a greater sense of relationship, and it will help you focus in more.

Here are a few points you and I should consider:

  • Be on time

  • Be prepared

  • Do your best to make sure you have a good connection

  • Help them with their side of the connection if needed (and be patient about that part)

  • Give them eye contact on camera with a smile and nod as you greet them and thank them for joining you

  • Stay focused

  • Begin the conversation genuinely asking people how they are doing, and listen to them answer the question

  • Make sure you disconnect completely as soon as you end the conversation

Here’s a link to the same “Let’s Get Digital” video we had in the Client Resource Letter that you hopefully already sent out, but maybe didn’t watch yourself:

The stories I am hearing from you are amazing! You need to create a repertoire of stories that illustrate the points you need to make with clients and prospects; like the $600,000 rollover an advisor just got from a prospect that left their job two years ago. He’d make recommendations in a plan back then. The client did not go through with it. But the accounts with the advisor were down less than that 401(k) with no one watching. It’s transferring in now!

I love to hear those stories of success amid the crisis. They are all happening because YOU are doing the right things. You are staying connected with people digitally instead of physically, you are contacting them even though it may be bad news, and they are asking how YOU are doing. How great is that?

It is encouraging to see you work through these trying times with diligence and fortitude. Innovation and focus are allowing people to get more done in less time with even better quality and outcomes. There are some incredible success stories of money coming over that had been outside or on the sidelines for a long time as well as record referrals for some advisors. 

I’ll do my best to share best practices with you and address those issues that may pop up as unintended consequences of what is going on.  We are not out of the woods yet, so let me know if you need to come up for air and get some special coaching in any particular area.

Brief, calm, friendly, useful, and thorough as a combination are the challenge of the day. It can be done. It is being done. Use stories and be authentic. It’s ok if there are clothes hanging in the background of your Skype, we all get it and you are being real and genuinely caring.

We are learning a lot about the people we work for and with right now. When we are under stress, our personality and our quirks tend to get exaggerated. I don’t want you to miss this and what it can mean for you personally and professionally.

You’ll probably hear more about the family, more about jobs, more about health, and even some of the things clients aren’t doing because of the virus.

Listen, listen, listen, then record, record, record.

I don’t mean to capture the audio on the meetings, I mean keep good notes. And take them in the Ameriprise CRM. Hear what people are saying (and not saying). There is some real opportunity to help people that you may never have been aware of before; don’t miss it.

If possible, write notes during or right after each meeting. Don’t let time and other conversations interrupt you from capturing the messages you are getting.

If it is your custom, send recap notes. If it is not your custom, you might think about whether you can send a quick email with a recap of the call and any action items.

By the way, did you know you have a microphone in your computer that allows you to dictate emails and notes vocally? Just be sure you read it before you hit send or save!


We are developing efficiencies at a furious rate to combat how to connect with your entire client base in a matter of days. A herculean task. More done in less time with better quality and outcomes. You’ve heard necessity is the mother of invention; now you are seeing it, and many of you are already doing it.

Be brief, be thorough, tell stories, capture data.

Stay in touch, friends. We will get through this together!

If you want to get added training to our digital tools, contact Jasen Braun.

About the Author

Bernie DeLaRosa, CFP®, ChFC®, CRPC®, CLU®, APMA®, CASL®, BFA™
Managing Business Consultant

  • Mergers/Acquisitions/Practice Sales
  • Legal Agreement Definition
  • Advisor Leadership Skills
  • Initial Practice Assessment